Biker Bros

My bro Dave from back in Ohio posted this and I felt it needed posting here. I’ve added and deleted a couple of lines but the meaning still rings true.

To all my bros, both Biker and Non-Riding ones:

Friends never ask for food,
Bros are the reason you have no food.

Friends will say hello,
Bros give you a hug.

Friends call your parents Mr. and Mrs.,
Bros call your parents Mom and Pop.

Friends have never seen you cry,
Bros cry with you.

Friends know a few things about you,
Bros could write a book with direct quotes.

Friends offer to bring a six-pack,
Bros show up with a keg.

Friends loan you cash to fix your ride,
Bros show up with tools, parts and a keg.

Friends knock on your door,
Bros walk right in and say “I’m home!”

Friends can keep a secret,
Bros take them to the grave.

Friends last a while,
Bros last a lifetime.

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