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Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Death Takes a Holiday Rambler
I’ve just wolfed down a killer Klondike Bar, dark chocolate mind you, that is sitting rather heavy on the 4 extra dry martinis I made for myself tonight. Look, don’t let the headline scare you, I’m just experimenting tonight. I’ve spent the last couple of months writing pablum for the masses. Headlines and short snippets […]
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The Northwest Vibe
Ed note: This was written in 2011, and now in 2019 is still rings true. Okay, before I start hearing choruses of “We’ve heard this” “It’s not always about Nirvana” and other comments, let me just say this: this ain’t your Entertainment Tonight version of the vibe. Shall we continue? I’ll be the first one […]
Giving Thanks
Man, hard to believe another year has rolled around and it’s time for Thanksgiving again. Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, brussels sprouts in bacon fat and vinegar, freshly baked rolls, pumpkin pie… I love it all. I also love how while there are “standards”, every family has their own culinary tricks, favorites and traditions. Not […]
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Fir Friendships
Friendship. Even the word sounds nice. Like a toasty flannel cocoon, friendships embrace us in warm, safe comfort. “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together” – Woodrow Wilson. “The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. […]
Doing 50 in a 35
Well, I did it. I managed to make it through my 50th birthday, and have officially entered my 50’s. I did not go gently into that good night as it were, but I made it. It’s just another birthday, right? For someone who feels like life is already speeding out of control though, it’s like […]
America the Beautiful
Like most of America, we are getting inundated here with political ad after political ad. Seemingly nice people who are accusing each other of running this country into the ground. Republicans blame Democrats, Democrats blame Republicans, and some just go ahead and blame everyone. Some claim the problem is that our President is a pinko […]
A Biker Looks at 50
Let me start off with apologies to Jimmy Buffet for mucking with his song title. I love “A Pirate Looks at 40” and if I didn’t know better, I’d swear he wrote that damn song about me. I’ve always been drawn to the ocean, I’ve made some money, and I’ve pissed it away pretty damn […]
The Need to Hate
I was getting ready to write a short piece on the difficulties of finding work today. About trying to find a job when someone is 50, over 20 years experience in a particular field, but getting passed over for kids right out of college. I know the reasons, and they are quite sound from a […]
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Crabs and Cruise Ships
One of the great joys of having friends and family visit is having the opportunity to show off what a truly great city we live in. Unfortunately, one of the great pains of having friends and family visit in the summer is that the city is frickin’ up to it’s proverbial neck in tourists. Every […]
Posted in Random Thoughts
Tagged as: Crab, Crab Pot, Cruise Ships, Pike Place Market, Seattle Aquarium
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Aged to Perception
What the…? No, I haven’t lost my ability to spell. Hang in there with me and all will make sense in a bit. My boys are in town visiting for about a month. Marc is almost 19, headed into the Air Force and I could not be prouder, even if it isn’t the Navy (grin). […]
Posted in Random Thoughts
Tagged as: Cheeseburger, Chips, Fish, LockSpot Cafe, Seattle Zoo, Woodland Park, Zoo
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